The Vermont Health Equity Initiative (VHEI) - among the first BIPOC-led community organizations dedicated to health equity in Vermont - was established with an initial focus to organize and promote BIPOC COVID-19 vaccination clinics to a community historically overlooked and mistreated by the healthcare system.


Today, the VHEI is a nonprofit organization dedicated to prioritizing and bringing clarity to racial health inequities across the State of Vermont and embedded in our nation’s legacy of systemic racism. 

We elevate stories of health disparities for people of color following social determinants of health and health outcomes by race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status and provide the educational resources to make progress toward ending racially unequal healthcare. 

We speak truth to power and bring power to truth utilizing data, education, and community dialogue, translating narratives told by us, about us, and for us, into tools for leaders, advocates, and community members to spur action toward achieving health equity and policy change. We envision a future where social determinants of health are widely understood in our community, creating a more equitable, more beautiful Vermont.